Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Flying head!

Today I finished the laser head. It was my first time doing threads internally and I'm delighted with the results!(don't forget you can do a slide show by clicking on the images)

The beginnings of this piece can be seen in an earlier post, so this is the continuation.
I'm going to test the ZNSE focal point with a red laser. I wonder if it is different from the focal point of the IR from the Co2 laser? Yes, I would say.
I think the images do a good job of explaining what i'm up to here so I'll keep this short.
The air assist fitting is 8mm tube diameter on a 1/8 bsp thread. Drilled and tapped.

Its difficult to see in this picture but the end of the middle tube is threaded externally at the end.

The thread I used is 24mm X 1mm. I learned how to thread off a video on youtube.(search "tublicain")
I decided to do air assist while I was at it.
I got a lovely 50.8mm focal lenght ZNSE lens off ebay. It is 20mm dia', so I cut a little sholder for it to sit on inside the nozzle.I'll put a thin washer/seal under it so as to protect the lens and seal the pressurised air from comming out the wrong place
The outlet for the air/laser is 2mm dia. I have no idea if this is too big or not. If anybody reading this has more information about what size it should be please leave a comment.

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